Date(s) - Saturday, May 9, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
American Tap Room
Our next event, a pitch event, is scheduled for May 9th. After a quick discussion we felt that we will hold the event as scheduled but as a shorter virtual event.
The event will have a keynote by Venu Menon, VP at TI who will talk about the effect COVID19 has had on the semiconductor industry.
Here is the link to Zoom Meeting –
Please note that all the attendees other than presenters will be muted. There will be limited time for Q&A for each presentation. Please submit your questions via “Chat” on Zoom. One of the organizers will moderate and present the questions to the presenter.
Introduction – Dr. Benne Bette
Halo Health. – Veer Mehta
Medcognetics – Ron Nag
Pundit Junction – Avanish Lele
Keynote Technology Trends Driving Semiconductors – Dr. Venu Menon
Stingray (Update) – Jon Northrop
Roomered – Farrukh Malik
BlyncSync – Austin Green
Upcoming Events – Sharad Elhence
See you at the event and stay safe!
CALL FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND START-UPS: We invite entrepreneurs and start-ups to pitch their business at the pitch event. Please reach out to us at
Dress Code: Zoom Appropriate